Pragat GuruHari Mahant Swami Maharaj ne Janma Divase Sat Sat Abhivandan

Pragat GuruHari Mahant Swami Maharaj ne Janma Divase Sat Sat Abhivandan

II Mahant Swami Maharaj's experience with Swamishri II 

"Whenever I look at Swamishri, I always recall how he has completely worn down his own body serving others. 
His sacrifice has been matchless. 
I always seem to feel that we have done absolutely nothing for him in return. 

I can still remember that one instance Swamishri was climbing a hill. 
The physical strain was made apparent by the sound of his heavy breathing. 
It also seemed that the soles of his feet were paining. 
I felt such pity for him. 

'Why does he tolerate so much of his own accord? 
Now he should rest.',
 I thought. 
Suddenly Swamishri looked up at me and gave a soft smile. 

My mind immediately questioned, 
'Is this a laughing matter? 
Your physical body is consumed and exhausted and you can laugh about it?'

The question had not completely formed in my mind when Swamishri revealed his secret, 
"Did you know Yogi Bapa has visited every corner of this village?"

What could I reply? 
His sights were constantly fixed upon his guru. 
His only desire was and is to use all his energies to please his guru.

My own personal experiences with him tell me that he has always and will always continue to serve every single person in Satsang without a single thought of bodily comfort."
