*Freedom from Fear*

An aspirant troubled by a gnawing fear came up for Swamishri's blessings. He said that a Brahmin had told him that his son has kal-sarp dosh in his horoscope. 'He has predicted that my son will suffer from some physical problem.'
Swamishri replied, 'Don't get entangled in such predictions. Chant the holy name of Swaminarayan. The body is susceptible to disease. Even I have stomachaches and fever. So there is no need to be fearful or superstitious. Engage yourself in bhajan and all will be well.'
Swamishri consolidated the aspirant's faith in God. He often prescribes the mahapuja ritual to dissolve fears because of unfavourable stars.

*Freedom from Fear*

An aspirant troubled by a gnawing fear came up for Swamishri's blessings. He said that a Brahmin had told him that his son has kal-sarp dosh in his horoscope. 'He has predicted that my son will suffer from some physical problem.'
Swamishri replied, 'Don't get entangled in such predictions. Chant the holy name of Swaminarayan. The body is susceptible to disease. Even I have stomachaches and fever. So there is no need to be fearful or superstitious. Engage yourself in bhajan and all will be well.'
Swamishri consolidated the aspirant's faith in God. He often prescribes the mahapuja ritual to dissolve fears because of unfavourable stars.
