Be Humble to Seek Blessings

Be Humble to Seek Blessings

In 1981, Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj was operated upon for stones in the gall bladder. He went to Gondal after the surgery to rest.
One day, after Swamishri had breakfast, a balak named Chandrakant came rushing. He asked Swamishri in childish prattle, “Bapa, where is your operation scar?” He heard his parents once talking about an operation on Swamishri.
The devotees who saw the child were quite surprised to see the balak.
Then, Swamishri lifted his upper cloth (gatariyu) and showed him the scar. He said to the balak, “Here, run your hand on it so that it heals soon.”
Innocently, Chandrakant ran his hand on the scar.
Then Swamishri said, “Now it will heal soon.”
Dear kids, this simple dialogue shows how great Swamishri is. He humbly asked blessings from a balak.
We should also follow Swamishri and learn to be humble to seek blessings even from a balak who may be younger than us.
