Visa to Akshardham

II Visa to Akshardham II 

Standing before the murtis of Thakorji in the main mandir at Delhi, Swamishri addressed a group of youths from England and America who had been travelling with him, “You all live abroad but ensure that you observe dharma properly. Serve your parents dutifully. Also study well and practice satsang sincerely. Concentrate on your studies. Keep satsang at the forefront of your lives. Perform daily puja and observe niyams. Be careful you do not become lax in satsang. Also encourage others to come to satsang.”
After this, the youngsters arranged themselves around Swamishri for a group photo.
Swamishri asked, “Where have you stored this photo?”
One youth said, “Over there.”
“Where?” Swamishri asked
“In our hearts,” another youth replied.
The first youth asked, “If such a photo is taken will we get visas to go directly to Akshardham?”
Swamishri said, “If you observe Maharaj’s commands properly, you will get visas to go directly to Akshardham.”
