Key to Spiritual Realisation

* Key to Spiritual Realisation*

A sadhu asked Swamishri, 'Science explains things logically and its processes step by step, whereas spirituality is a matter of faith. No logical process is shown; one is merely told to do it. Hence, it is difficult to believe.'
Swamishri replied by pointing to a lampshade nearby, and questioned, 'Who invented the light-bulb?'
'How long did it take to invent the light-bulb?' Swamishri asked.
'Ten thousand experiments,' the sadhu replied.
Swamishri explained, 'So the light-bulb was invented after 10,000 experiments. And today, when we press the switch there is light. But just think how much effort had gone behind inventing it. And when you say show me divine light now, how can it be possible!
'Our great rishis engaged themselves in spiritual endeavours for thousands of years and then attained God-realisation. And it was in the realised state that they wrote the scriptures. If you faithfully strive in what they have prescribed, then you will attain realisation.'
Swamishri pointed out that striving with faith is the essence of spiritual realisation.
20-1-2002, Singapore
